The Annual Meeting of Fox Fields Association, Inc., will be held Tuesday, May 24, 2016, at 7:00 PM, at the Haverford Township Community Recreation & Environmental Center, at 9000 Parkview Drive, Haverford PA 19041.
The main business of the meeting is an election for two of the six director positions on the Fox Fields Association Board of Directors. More information about the election and a postage prepaid proxy form for use by Members who were not certain if they would be was mailed with a copy of the Notice of Meeting. Please be sure to return the proxy form if you have not done so already. We have had participation in excess of 70% voting in past elections by proxy and are anxious to maintain this high level of participation. Please be aware that each Lot is accorded a single vote, and that only Members who are current in dues payment (of which over 98% are) are entitled to vote.
In addition, to the election, we expect to discuss the finances of the Association, landscaping plans for the coming year, a potential claim/inquiry by PennDOT for a tree which fell on the Blue Route during a storm in January (which our insurance carrier has undertaken to defend and which we, in any event, believe had not been growing on our property), and a claim by the owners of a lot in Fox Fields that they have taken ownership of a portion of the Association’s Open Space by adverse possession, as well as the cooperation which we have received from several other Members in relocating fences which appeared to have been unintentionally maintained on the Open Space.
The Board of Directors
Fox Fields Association, Inc.